Alissa's Life

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Monday we started our new session of classes at the YMCA. This session the girls are both taking swim lessons and Rémi has preschool gymnastics and Genie has mommy and me gymnastics. Rémi’s gymnastics class is what you would assume with children having coaches and learning about different pieces of equipment and what you do on them. Genie's class is just chaos in a gymnastics room. They have put lots of toys on the floor mat for the kids to play with and a slide that goes into the foam pit, but there is no instruction or any order. Halfway through the class the kids get in a circle to do some songs and finger plays (for those that don't know, that is things like "where is thumb-kin") and then it is back to chaos. I have signed up to be a parent volunteer in Rémi’s class which is actually a pretty good deal. I just help the coaches keep the kids in some semblance of order and spot them on equipment. In return I get a child-watch voucher for the time I am in Rémi’s class (that means I don't have to pay for Genie to be in child-watch) and another hour of free child-watch I can use whenever. Since I was going to be watching Rémi’s class anyway it is perfect.

I have a new idea for a best-selling novel. Written in first person about a stay-at-home mom who juggles kids, house, and solving mysteries. I definitely think it would sell. I think it would be easy to make it funny, and there are certainly a lot of mysteries involved in motherhood (who put the banana in the toy box last week?). Now I just have to find the time to write it.



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